RTD Market 2024 Comprehensive Overview

RTD Market 2024 Comprehensive Overview


The Ready-to-Drink (RTD) category has emerged as one of the most dynamic and influential sectors within the beverage alcohol industry. Rapidly evolving consumer preferences, coupled with changing economic conditions, have propelled RTDs into a position where they are reshaping the competitive landscape. For alcohol brand owners and marketers, understanding the shifts within the RTD market is crucial for strategic planning and capitalizing on new opportunities.

This article provides a comprehensive overview of the current RTD landscape, examines key factors influencing its growth, and explores how spirits and RTDs are gaining market share at the expense of wine. By delving into consumer behavior, innovation trends, and market forecasts, we aim to offer valuable insights for stakeholders looking to navigate this fast-paced sector.

The Macro-Economic Climate and Its Impact on RTDs

RTDs as an Entry Point for Premium Spirits

In an environment marked by high inflation and cost-of-living pressures, consumers are becoming more cautious with their spending across all beverage alcohol categories. Despite these challenges, RTDs have maintained their appeal by offering an accessible entry point to premium spirits at a fraction of the cost of full-sized bottles. This affordability allows consumers to enjoy high-quality products without significant financial commitment.

Shifting Share from Beer and Wine

RTDs are increasingly capturing market share from traditional categories like beer and wine. In 2023, across ten key RTD markets, 45% of alcohol buyers purchased RTDs. Spirits were most often consumed alongside RTDs, while beer was the most commonly replaced drink. This shift indicates that consumers are seeking variety and are open to exploring new beverage options that RTDs provide.

RTD Market 2024/2025

The Relevance of Ready-to-Serve Products

Evolution Post-Pandemic

Ready-to-Serve (RTS) products gained prominence during the pandemic as consumers sought convenient ways to enjoy cocktails at home. While product launches peaked during this period, there has been a noticeable slowdown in innovation since then. Changes in consumption occasions and the macro-economic landscape have influenced this trend.

Market Variations

RTS products have found significant relevance in the U.S. market, but their adoption in other countries remains varied. The future outlook for RTS products depends on factors such as consumer demand for convenience, the resurgence of the on-trade sector, and cultural preferences in different regions.

Importance of Alcohol Base in RTD Selection

Consumer Preferences

The type of alcohol base in RTDs plays a significant role in consumer purchasing decisions. In 2023, the alcohol base was the second most important factor in RTD selection across ten key markets, on par with cocktail type and just behind flavor. Consumers have shown a willingness to pay a premium for spirit-based RTDs over those with malt or wine bases.

Performance of Different Bases

  • Spirit-Based RTDs: Outperformed their parent category at the total market level and were the only base type to do so.
  • Malt and Wine-Based RTDs: Experienced declines, reflecting changing consumer tastes.

Popularity of Specific Spirits

  • Vodka: Remained the most popular RTD base globally.
  • Tequila: Saw the largest increase in innovation focus, aligning with the growing interest in agave spirits.

Understanding the preferences for alcohol base across different markets is crucial for product development and branding strategies.

Maturity of RTD Segments

Slowing Innovation Rates

The RTD category has seen a deceleration in new product launches after reaching a peak in 2021. This slowdown suggests that certain segments within the category are reaching maturity, leading to market saturation and consumer fatigue in some areas.

Market-Specific Trends

  • Japan and South Africa: Exceptions to the trend, with continued growth in new product launches.
  • Other Markets: Experiencing a decline in innovation, prompting producers to be more strategic and targeted with their offerings.

Implications for Producers

Brands need to focus on differentiating their products and identifying niche opportunities within the RTD space. Strategic rationalization of product lines may be necessary to maintain consumer interest and drive sustainable growth.

The On-Trade Channel: The Next Frontier for RTDs

Shifts in Consumption Occasions

Traditionally, RTDs have been consumed at home or during social gatherings. However, there is a growing trend of consumers enjoying RTDs in on-trade settings such as bars and pubs.

Consumer Behavior Insights

  • Increased On-Trade Consumption: 40% of consumers reported drinking RTDs in pubs more often than the previous year.
  • Market Variations: In the U.S., Canada, Australia, and South Africa, on-trade consumption of RTDs has returned to or surpassed pre-pandemic levels.
  • Growth Potential: Markets like Brazil, China, and South Africa show higher likelihoods of consumers drinking RTDs in on-trade venues.

Opportunities for Brands

The on-trade channel presents a significant opportunity for growth and innovation in the RTD category. Brands can capitalize on this by developing products tailored to on-trade environments and collaborating with venues to promote their offerings.

Spirits and RTDs Gaining Share from Wine

Market Share Dynamics

    • Spirits (excluding national spirits): 30%
    • Wine: 15%
    • Beer: 52%
    • RTDs: 2% (emerging category)
  • 2028 Forecast:
    • Spirits expected to increase to 31%
    • Wine projected to decrease to 14%
    • RTDs anticipated to grow to 3%
    • Beer share remains stable

Including national spirits, the spirits sector had a 39% share in 2023, highlighting the significant role of local spirits in certain markets.

Factors Influencing the Shift

  • Consumer Preferences: A move towards spirits and RTDs due to their versatility and the variety of flavors and formats available.
  • Economic Pressures: Cost-of-living increases leading consumers to seek better value propositions, which RTDs and certain spirits can offer.
  • Lifestyle Changes: A growing trend of moderation and selective consumption, with consumers opting for quality over quantity.

Key Markets Analysis

United States

  • Spirits Growth: Led by agave spirits and flavored spirits.
  • Future Outlook: Categories like American whiskey are expected to rebound as economic conditions improve and industry inventories adjust.


  • Spirits Gaining Share: Notable growth in gin (up 3% in volume in 2023).
  • Future Trends:
    • Whisky projected to grow at a 2% CAGR from 2023 to 2028.
    • Rum expected to increase by 4% over the same period.


  • Growth Categories:
    • Vodka projected to rise by 2% volume CAGR (2023-2028).
    • Gin expected to grow by 3%.


  • Market Dynamics:
    • Total beverage alcohol volumes grew marginally.
    • Declines in spirits (down 9%) and wine (down 14%) were offset by gains in beer and RTDs.
  • Baijiu Trends:
    • Overall decline, particularly in lower-priced tiers.
    • Ultra-premium baijiu expected to grow by 7% between 2022 and 2027.

Brazil and South Africa

  • On-Trade Potential: Higher likelihood of consumers choosing RTDs in on-trade settings, indicating growth opportunities.

Strategic Considerations for Brands and Marketers

Product Development

  • Innovation Focus: With slowing innovation rates, brands need to differentiate through unique flavors, formats, and leveraging popular spirit bases like tequila.
  • Alcohol Base Transparency: Educating consumers about the alcohol base can enhance brand perception and justify premium pricing.

Market Positioning

  • Value Proposition: Emphasize affordability without compromising on quality, appealing to cost-conscious consumers.
  • On-Trade Strategies: Develop partnerships with on-trade venues and tailor products for these settings to capture emerging opportunities.

Consumer Engagement

  • Understanding Preferences: Utilize market research to comprehend local consumer tastes and preferences regarding flavor, alcohol base, and occasion.
  • Addressing Fatigue: Avoid oversaturation by strategically rationalizing product lines and focusing on high-performing segments.

Navigating Economic Challenges

  • Pricing Strategies: Balance between maintaining margins and offering competitive pricing in a cost-sensitive market.
  • Inventory Management: Adjust production and inventory levels to align with current demand and avoid excess stock.

Planning for the Future

To stay ahead in the evolving RTD landscape, brands should consider the following actions:

  • Leverage Market Insights: Stay informed about trends and consumer behaviors through industry reports and data analysis.
  • Invest in Innovation: Focus on developing products that meet emerging consumer needs, such as health-conscious options or unique flavor profiles.
  • Strengthen Brand Messaging: Communicate the value proposition clearly, highlighting aspects like premium ingredients, craftsmanship, and convenience.
  • Explore New Channels: Expand distribution in both off-trade and on-trade channels, including e-commerce platforms.


The RTD category is at a pivotal point, with shifts in consumer preferences, economic pressures, and market dynamics shaping its future trajectory. Spirits and RTDs are poised to continue gaining market share from wine, offering both challenges and opportunities for alcohol brands and marketers. By understanding the key factors influencing the RTD landscape and strategically responding to these changes, brands can position themselves for sustained growth and success in this vibrant sector.

Author Bio: Vas Art is a Head of Marketing at OhBEV with over 16 years of experience in the alcohol industry. He specializes in brand marketing,  verbal & visual communication strategies, and omni-channel alcohol marketing campaigns.